Korean J Financ Stud > Volume 52(1); 2023 > Article |
1) Controlling shareholders expand their control rights using ownership by relatives or affiliates. Based on their control rights, they have active involvement in the important managerial decision-making process, such as CEO appointments and the formation of an internal governance structure. Therefore, despite the presence of a professional CEO recruited externally, controlling shareholders frequently have the final decision authority (La Porta et al., 1999; Johnson et al., 2000). In many cases, controlling shareholders participate in management as a CEO or Chairperson of the board of directors (Claessens et al., 2000).
2) Amihud and Lev (1981) argue that managers with low ownership can make conservative management decisions to minimize undiversifiable employment risks. However, unlike managers, controlling shareholders do not face employment risks because they have de facto control power based on direct and indirect ownership. Therefore, it is very unlikely that their argument applies to Korean firms.
3) Controlling shareholders possibly engage in active risk-taking to enhance the value of the shares they own (Coles et al., 2006). However, they could maximize their utility from not only the monetary compensation proportional to the ownership, but also from the private benefits through control rights. Considering these two factors together, maintaining stable management rights by avoiding the potential losses associated with risk-seeking would be the optimal choice.
4) We also use the market-to-book ratio to measure investment inefficiency to check the robustness, and obtain a consistent result.
5) Some previous studies use the absolute value of the residual as a measure of investment inefficiency without distinguishing between over- and underinvestment. However, taking the absolute value is not appropriate in this study as we distinguish between the two private benefit-seeking behaviors.
6) Prior studies illustrate the cash flow rights considering the ownership chain (Almeida et al., 2011). However, we are unable to use this data in this study as our sample contains all listed firms. We estimate the cash flow rights based on the ownership information of all of the affiliates in the business groups, but obtaining information for unlisted firms is difficult. As the Korea Fair Trade Commission provides the intra-group shareholding matrix, previous studies use this information for chaebol firms. By limiting only the chaebol sample, we can use the ownership variable suggested by Almeida et al. (2011). However, this approach is not suitable for analyzing the discussion of this study because it is difficult to sufficiently reflect the difference in the level of competition. If chaebol companies are mainly distributed in less competitive markets, an analysis using only chaebols will be difficult to reflect management behavior in more competitive markets.
7) In this study, cash flow rights refer to the ownership of controlling shareholders and their relatives, and control rights refer to the sum of cash flow rights and the ownership of affiliates. Since the controlling shareholder is the de facto owner-manager, cash flow rights are called direct ownership. On the other hand, since ownership of affiliates is an indirect means of exercising voting rights by controlling shareholders, it is called indirect ownership.
8) In a few cases, only the 3-digit industrial code is provided for diversified firms. For these firms, we use the HHI based on the 3-digit KSIC in the analysis using HHI based on the 4-digit KSIC. This will more realistically reflect the level of competition that each firm faces.
9) The number of industries based on the 3-, 2-, and 4-digit KSIC is 268, 74, and 663, respectively.
11) We can measure market dominance by market share, though determining whether a firm has market dominance based on a certain level of market share will have a limitation in that that firms in a specific market (e.g., a non-competitive industry) are mostly regarded as market-dominant operators.
12) In an unreported result, as the threat of competition increases, the controlling shareholders’ ownership decreases. The difference between the ownership of controlling shareholders in the sample with HHI in the bottom 10% and the sample with HHI in the top 10% is about 6.85%.
13) The average Residual does not have a value of 0 because the sample we use to estimate investment inefficiency consists of 12,982 firm-year observations (all listed firms), while the sample we use to verify the hypothesis is limited to the firms whose controlling shareholders’ ownership and the level of product market competition is available. To prevent errors caused by this setting, we also test the hypotheses using the same sample as we use to estimate investment inefficiency and obtain consistent results.
14) U.S. horizontal merger guidelines classify non-intrusive markets as having HHIs below 0.1, fair markets as between 0.1 and 0.18, and centralized markets as above 0.18.
15) Bena and Xu (2017), Byun et al. (2018) assert that there is a causal relationship between the ownership structure of controlling shareholders and competition. Given these arguments, we need to check the possibility of the multicollinearity problem based on correlations between independent variables. In our baseline model, the variance inflation factor is 3.80. As the statistic is less than 10 (rule of thumb), there are no statistical problems with multicollinearity.
16) We do not use this methodology in the main analysis model because the dummy variables based on the competition level do not change much in a time series, which may cause the problem of multi-collinearity with firm fixed-effects.
17) We conducted the Dubin test and the Wu-Hausman test to verify the exogeneity of the instrumental variable. As a result, the null hypothesis that there is no endogeneity was not rejected (p-value=0.7631 (Durbin) / 0.7638 (Wu-Hausman)). In other words, it is difficult to judge Controlling ownership as an endogenous variable. Nevertheless, since endogeneity is intuitively suspected, 2SLS analysis was additionally performed.