1. Introduction
According to
Fama (1990), stock market return variations are fairly correlated with the growth rate of future production since both may reflect information about shocks to expected cash flows.
Beaudry and Portier (2006) argue that stock price movements incorporate the expectations of economic agents regarding future economic conditions. Given that changes in agents’ expectations are related to future economic conditions, I posit that news shocks inferred from current stock price movements may explain future business cycle fluctuations. Therefore, I expect that investors participating in the stock market will move first, and then one can predict future economic conditions based on the behavior of the stock market participants.
To identify the relationship between stock market movements and future economic conditions, this study examines the cross-impacts between hedge fund index returns indicating the performance of hedge funds in aggregate and macroeconomic productivity using a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model and a vector error correction model (VECM). I assume that the investment behavior of hedge funds, as
informed traders in the stock market, captures news shocks about future production growth more quickly than the movement of the total stock market index, such as the S&P 500 index examined in
Beaudry and Portier (2006).
The movement of the total stock market index reflects the behavior of all types of investors, whether informed or not, in response to material information. If the stock market exhibits some degree of informational inefficiency, then the behavior of
uninformed investors (i.e., noise traders) may also contribute to delayed stock price responses. Therefore, the total stock market index, which reflects the expectations of all types of investors, is less appropriate than the hedge fund index for capturing news about future economic conditions. In other words, if hedge fund managers are well-informed and have superior predictive skills, then the hedge fund index (i.e., aggregating the behaviors of informed traders) can be a more effective proxy for capturing agents’ expectations regarding future production growth. Recent studies examining hedge fund managers’ performance demonstrate their superior ability to identify mispricing in the stock market and gain an informational advantage in trading using various sources (
Agarwal et al., 2009;
Ben-David et al., 2012;
Gao and Huang, 2016;
Huang and Jain, 2024).
Beaudry and Portier (2006), I test the bi-variate aspects between the aggregate hedge fund index returns and total factor productivity (
TFP is the part of output that is unexplained by inputs for production, such as labor and capital.
TFP represents technological efficiency and explains economic growth (
Easterly and Levine, 2001). Many studies empirically estimate country- or industry-level TFPs, but only annual frequency measures have been proposed because of data limitations. However,
Fernald (2014) provides historical quarterly series of
TFP based on a growth-accounting database for the U.S. business sector. This study employs the Fernald’s quarterly
TFP series to measure productivity.
Using quarterly series of
TFP and hedge fund index returns, this study examines the macroeconomic dynamics between hedge funds’ behaviors and economic productivity. The results are as follows. First, the contemporaneous correlation coefficient between the two variables is 0.9791, meaning that their movements are highly similar over the sample period. Note that the correlation coefficient between
TFP and a S&P500 Index is 0.6856.
1) Second, a Granger Causality Test rejects the hypothesis, Δ
HFI)does not Granger Cause Δ
TFP, implying that the information inferred from the behaviors of hedge funds seems to be useful to predict future economic productivity. Finally, the forecast error variance decompositions with the VECM model indicate that more than 65% of the variation in Δ
TFP after 20 quarters can be attributed to a shock to the Δ
2. Model Specification
2.1 Structural Vector Autoregressive Model (SVAR) and Impulse Responses
Sims (1980) introduced a new class of econometric models, SVAR, in which identification focuses on the errors of the system rather than identifying the autoregressive coefficients (
Lutkepohl and Kraetzig, 2004). The innovations of the original VAR model are orthogonalized with a Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix; thus, a recursive structure is imposed on the instantaneous relationships between the variables. The drawback of applying the Cholesky decomposition to obtain impulse responses is that choosing the ordering of variables may produce different shocks. Thus, I need to check the robustness of the impulse responses by mixing the ordering of the main variables unless any theory supports the specific recursive structure.
SVAR models are similar to the VAR model but have more constraints to identify parameters. For example, the identification of shocks in an SVAR is based on economic theory, which suggests that the effects of some shocks are zero in the long- or short-run. In other words, I need to impose certain restrictions on the model parameters to identify the SVAR model. In the model of
Sims (1980), the triangular (or recursive) identification scheme implies that an additional shock to the second variable does not affect the first (the most exogeneous) variable in the same period. The SVAR model is as follows:
yt is a (
K×1) vector of the endogenous variables,
xt contains exogeneous variables, and the underlying structural shocks are
εt ~ (0,
IK). Matrix A specifies the instantaneous relations among the variables in
yt, then the reduced-form disturbances are u
A-1Bεt. Using a Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix Σ
u and
B to be a lower triangular matrix Σ
u =
BB’’, I obtain the process
yt =
t +Φ
t−1 +… = Ψ
oεt +Ψ
1εt−1 +…,, where Ψ
i = Φ
iB. I employ a long-run restriction on the SVAR following Blanchard and Quah (1989) and
Beaudry and Portier (2006). Blanchard and Quah (1989) identify supply (demand) shocks with persistent (transitory) effects on output. Then, the (1,2)-element of the long-run impact matrix
Ψ=∑i=0∞Ψi is equal to zero.
Beaudry and Portier (2006) also adopt the VECM with the long-run restriction suggested by Blanchard and Quah (1989) for identification with two differenced variables: stock prices and
TFP. Following
Beaudry and Portier (2006), the estimation strategies of this study are in two ways, SVAR and VECM. First, the cointegration test with the Johansen method (allowing a linear trend in data and exogeneous variables) to examine whether a cointegration relationship exists between
HFI and
TFP level variables indicates no cointegration relationship between the two variables. However, for the first differenced variables, the cointegration test shows a statistically significant cointegration equation between the differenced endogenous variables. Thus, I employ the SVAR with the differenced variables and impose a restriction on the long-run impact matrix to observe the impulse responses of the shocks. Second, I adopt the VECM with differenced endogenous variables without restrictions as a robustness test.
The bivariate system is expressed as
yt=[ΔTFPtΔHFIt]. <
Table 1> lists the definitions of
TFP and
HFI. As deterministic terms, a constant term and a linear time trend term are included; and the HP-detrended stock market index,
SNP500, and the HP-detrended University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index,
UM_SENT, are also included as exogenous variables in the SVAR to compare the results with
Beaudry and Portier (2006).
2) Additionally, this allows me to identify the news shock inferred through the behavior of informed investors who expect better future production growth than the one observed by the behavior of all informed and uninformed stock market participants. I chose an optimal lag order of 1 for the main endogenous variables through the VAR lag-length test and include one-lagged detrended exogeneous variables.
<Table 1>
Variable |
Definition |
Log-transformed quarterly time-series calculated with dtfp from the Fernald’s website.1) According to the explanation on the Fernald’s data, dtfp is the business sector TFP meaning output growth less the contribution of capital and labor. As dtfp is a percent change at an annual rate (= 400 change in natural log), the log-transformed TFP is re-calculated as TFP = TFP(-1) + dtfp/400. |
Log-transformed quarterly time-series calculated with dY from the Fernald’s website. dY is the equally-weighted average business output with expenditure (product) side and income side. As dY is a percent change at an annual rate (= 400 change in natural log), the log-transformed business output is calculated as OUTPUT = OUTPUT(-1) + dY/400. |
Log-transformed quarterly time-series calculated with dtfp_util from the Fernald’s website. dtfp_util is the utilization-adjusted TFP: dtfp_util = dtfp - dutil. Adjustments for variations in factor utilization are made on labor effort and the workweek of capital. Since dtfp_util is a percent change at an annual rate (= 400 change in natural log), the log-transformed utilization-adjusted TFP is calculated as TFP_Util = TFP_Util(-1) + dtfp_util/400. |
The real quarterly time-series index calculated with the Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index (HEDG)2), which is deflated by the Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator (GDPDEF) obtained from the FRED website.3) The real Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index is transformed to the per capita number by dividing it with the quarterly working age population from 15 to 64 (POP1564_NSA).4) The quarterly U.S. working age population data series is obtained from the OECD Statistics. HFI is calculated as HFI = (1000real HEDG)/(working age population)
The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (UMCSENT) obtained from the FRED website. For estimation, the sentiment index is detrended by the Hodrick-Prescott filter with lambda 1600. |
The real quarterly S&P 500 composite stock price index obtained from the Yahoo Finance website. The quarter-end close price adjusted for dividends and splits is deflated by the Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator (GDPDEF) and transformed as per capital term with the quarterly working age population from 15 to 64 (POP1564_NSA). SNP500 is calculated as SNP500 = (1000 real S&P 500 Index)/(working age population) Then, SNP500 is detrended with the Hodrick-Prescott filter with lambda 1600 for estimation. |
2.2 Vector Error Correction Models
When two or more variables are cointegrated, their time-series observations move together as a pair, and then, a linear combination of the two series exists to form a stationary process, although the individual time-series are non-stationary (e.g., the first-difference stationary I(1) process). Many macroeconomic variables are non-stationary in their levels, but their first differences are stationary, or I(1), and are often cointegrated with other variables. For instance, the GDP and the stock market index in the levels are individually non-stationary I(1) processes. However, these two time-series can be tied together, and the linear combination of the GDP and the stock market index becomes a stationary process.
A common way to analyze non-stationary I(1) data is to take the first-differences of the variables to make stationary processes. However, this approach may lose important information if the two variables are cointegrated. In other words, a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model with first-differenced data does not capture the long-run relationship between two cointegrated variables. The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) could be appropriate to analyze the cointegrated time-series by adding a vector of lagged error-correction terms in the VAR equations. In the case of the two variables, these error correction terms are lagged residuals from the cointegrating regression between the two variables in levels. The terms indicate the prior disequilibrium deviated from the long-run relationship, in which those residuals would be zero. The multivariate VECM specifications are as follows (Cottrell and Lucchetti, 2016):
Consider a VAR of order p with a deterministic part given by μt (typically, a polynomial in time) and a unmodeled stochastic or exogenous part, xt. One can write the n-variate process yt. as
The equation (2) can be expressed as
where Π=∑i=1pAi−I and Γi=∑j=i+1pAj. This is the VECM representation in equation (2). If the rank of the matrix Π is between 0 and n, cointegration occurs and Π can be written as αβ’. Then, β is called a cointegrating vector and α is called an adjustment vector. In this case, yt is I(1), but the combination (i.e., an error-correction term) ect = β’yt is I(0). In fact, ect represents the deviation from the long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables and may not be zero. The equation (3) is expressed as follows:
If β is known, then ect-1 =β’yt-1 would be observable and all the remaining parameters could be estimated via OLS (ordinary least squares). For example, if there are two endogenous variables with one cointegration relation, then
In this study, the VECM for the bivariate system is expressed as
Δyt=Δ([ΔTFPtΔHFIt]). The definitions of
TFP and
HFI are described in <
Table 1>. I include a constant and error correction terms as well as the HP-detrended stock market index,
SNP500, and the HP-detrended University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index,
UM_SENT, as exogenous variables in the VECM. I chose an optimal lag order of 1 for the main endogenous variables through the VAR lag-length test and include one-lagged detrended exogeneous variables.
4. Empirical Results
In this section, I explain the results of the SVAR with a long-run restriction and the VECM without any restrictions as a robustness test. <
Table 3> reports the estimation results of the VAR with a lag order of one, and <
Table 4> summarizes the Granger Causality test between the two endogenous variables.
<Table 3>
VAR System with a Lag Order of 1
<Table 3> reports the estimation results with the VAR system. A lag order of 1 is chosen based on LR, FPE, AIC, SC, and HQ tests. TFP and Ln(HFI) are included as endogenous variables and lagged exogeneous variables such as HP-detrended UM Sentiment and S&P500 Index. T-statistics are in the parentheses.
Variables |
Coefficient |
Coefficient |
(T-Stat) |
(T-Stat) |
ΔTFP(-1) |
-0.0962 |
0.0004 |
(-1.0852) |
(0.4274) |
ΔLn(HFI)(-1) |
29.6770 |
0.1804 |
(3.9036) |
(2.4227) |
0.0869 |
-0.0009 |
(1.4824) |
(-1.6445) |
SNP500 |
0.6877 |
0.0246 |
(2.2568) |
(8.2522) |
UM_SENT(-1) |
-0.0989 |
0.0008 |
(-1.7778) |
(1.5034) |
SNP500(-1) |
-0.6309 |
-0.0261 |
(-2.0902) |
(-8.8352) |
Constant |
1.1322 |
0.0204 |
(2.0802) |
(3.8329) |
Trend |
-0.0085 |
-0.0002 |
(-1.1105) |
(-2.6692) |
R-squared |
0.2548 |
0.4985 |
Adj. R-squared |
0.2070 |
0.4663 |
# of observations: Q2:1994 ~ Q2:2023 |
117 |
117 |
<Table 4>
Granger Causality Test with a Lag Order of 1
<Table 4> presents the result of the VAR Granger Causality/ Block Exogeneity Wald Tests between the two endogenous variables. This test examines whether one variable contains useful information for predicting the other variable in the VAR system in <Table 3>.
Null Hypothesis: |
Obs. |
Chi-Sq. |
d.f. |
P-value |
ΔLn(HFI) does not Granger Cause ΔTFP |
117 |
15.2379 |
1 |
0.0001 |
ΔTFP does not Granger Cause ΔLn(HFI) |
0.1827 |
1 |
0.6691 |
In the first column of <
Table 3> predicting Δ
TFP, the t-statistics of one-quarter lagged Δ
HFI) is 3.9036, meaning that the differenced hedge fund index is statistically significant to predict the current changes in TFP productivity. Moreover, the hedge fund index is statistically stronger than the contemporaneous and lagged
SNP500 incorporating behaviors of all informed and uninformed investors. On the other hand, in the second column of <
Table 3> predicting Δ
HFI), the lagged Δ
TFP is not statistically significant to predict the current return or performance of the hedge fund index. The Granger Causality tests in <
Table 4> also present results similar to those in <
Table 3>, where the first null hypothesis is rejected, but the second null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Therefore, I conclude that informed investors, such as hedge funds, would recognize news shocks on economic productivity in advance and move faster than other market participants.
Table 5>, and <
Figure 3> and <
Figure 4> present the orthogonalized impulse responses with a long-run restriction, following
Beaudry and Portier (2006), and the forecast error variance decompositions. A long-run restriction is imposed to identify the effects of a news shock on productivity. The left (right) panel of <
Table 5> shows the results of the Structural (Cholesky) decompositions. I use Structural or Cholesky decomposition methods of the covariance matrix in error terms to make one underlying shock to be uncorrelated with the other shock.
<Table 5>
SVAR Impulse Responses and Variance Decompositions
<Table 5> reports the results of impulse responses and forecast error variance decompositions over the next 5 quarters in the SVAR system with a lag order of 1. A long-run restriction is imposed to identify the effect of a news shock on productivity. The left (right) panel presents a Structural (Cholesky) decomposition for the factorization matrix of the covariance matrix.
Factorization: Structural |
Factorization:Cholesky |
Impulse Responses |
Response of ΔTFP |
Response of ΔTFP |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
1 |
2.57701 |
-0.90160 |
1 |
2.73017 |
0.00000 |
2 |
0.04205 |
0.82564 |
2 |
-0.23297 |
0.79321 |
3 |
0.07665 |
0.04398 |
3 |
0.05783 |
0.06683 |
4 |
0.00765 |
0.02713 |
4 |
-0.00174 |
0.02813 |
5 |
0.00282 |
0.00353 |
5 |
0.00149 |
0.00427 |
Response of ΔLn(HFI) |
Response of ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
1 |
0.00977 |
0.02490 |
1 |
0.00100 |
0.02673 |
2 |
0.00272 |
0.00416 |
2 |
0.00119 |
0.00482 |
3 |
0.00051 |
0.00106 |
3 |
0.00013 |
0.00116 |
4 |
0.00012 |
0.00021 |
4 |
0.00004 |
0.00023 |
5 |
0.00002 |
0.00005 |
5 |
0.00001 |
0.00005 |
Variance Decompositions |
Variance Decomposition of ΔTFP |
Variance Decomposition of ΔTFP |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
1 |
89.094 |
10.906 |
1 |
100.000 |
0.000 |
2 |
81.633 |
18.367 |
2 |
92.268 |
7.732 |
3 |
81.627 |
18.373 |
3 |
92.221 |
7.779 |
4 |
81.620 |
18.380 |
4 |
92.212 |
7.788 |
5 |
81.620 |
18.380 |
5 |
92.211 |
7.789 |
Variance Decomposition of ΔLn(HFI) |
Variance Decomposition of ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
1 |
13.341 |
86.659 |
1 |
0.139 |
99.861 |
2 |
13.895 |
86.105 |
2 |
0.327 |
99.673 |
3 |
13.904 |
86.096 |
3 |
0.329 |
99.671 |
4 |
13.904 |
86.096 |
4 |
0.329 |
99.671 |
5 |
13.904 |
86.096 |
5 |
0.329 |
99.671 |
<Figure 3>
SVAR Impulse Responses over the Next 5 Quarters(Structural Decomposition)
Figure 3> presents the orthogonalized impulse responses over the next 5 quarters in the SVAR system with a lag order of 1. To make one underlying shock to be uncorrelated with the other shock, Structural decomposition methods of the covariance matrix in error terms were used, and thus the shocks are orthogonalized and instantaneously uncorrelated each other. Δ TFP is ordered first.
<Figure 4>
SVAR Impulse Responses over the Next 5 Quarters(Cholesky Decomposition)
Figure 4> presents the orthogonalized impulse responses over the next 5 quarters in the SVAR system with a lag order of 1. To make one underlying shock to be uncorrelated with the other shock, Cholesky decomposition methods of the covariance matrix in error terms were used, and thus the shocks are orthogonalized and instantaneously uncorrelated each other. ΔTFP is ordered first.
First, the upper-right panels of <
Figure 3> and <
Figure 4> show the impulse responses of Δ
TFP to a shock of Δ
HFI) where the responses converge to zero regardless of imposing the long-run restriction in a year. That is, the effects of changes in hedge fund indexes on Δ
TFP are significant
7) in the following quarter but almost disappear in 2 quarters after the shock of Δ
HFI). Second, the lower-left panels present the effects of Δ
TFP shock on the returns in hedge fund indexes, Δ
HFI). They appear insignificant even in the first quarter after the shock and gradually disappear within a year.
The variance decompositions in <
Table 5> also show similar results between two variables. In the first period, approximately 10.906% of the variation in Δ
TFP is from shocks to the Δ
HFI), and the contribution of Δ
HFI)to the variation in Δ
TFP converges to 18.380% when a Structural decomposition method is employed. In the case of Δ
HFI), approximately 13.341% of the variation in Δ
HFI) is from shocks to Δ
TFP in the first period, and it converges to 13.904% and becomes stable after 3 quarters. Therefore, I conclude that hedge funds, as informed investors, would be able to know the news on future productivity in advance, so they move faster than any other agents in the economy.
Table 6> presents the estimation results using the VECM with a lag order of one.
8) Beaudry and Portier (2006) identify news shocks inherent in the stock market index with the VECM to explain a factor causing future business cycle fluctuations. They argue that changes in technological opportunities are the main driver resulting in the business cycle fluctuations, and then stock market participants may notice these changes in advance. This study also employs the VECM as a robustness test because the result from a cointegration test with the endogenous variables in level is not statistically significant but the 1
st differenced variables are cointegrated from the test. Following the literature, current and lagged
SNP500 are also included as exogenous variables.
<Table 6>
VECM system with a Lag Order of 1
<Table 6> reports the estimation results with the VECM system. Since the Trace and Maximum Eigenvalue tests indicate a statistically significant cointegrating relation between differenced TFP and Ln (HFI), I estimate the VECM system with a lag order of 1 as a robustness test. T-statistics are in the parentheses.
Cointegrating Eq: |
CointEq1 |
ΔTFP(-1) |
1.0000 |
ΔLn(HFI)(-1) |
-55.3108 |
(-6.10502) |
Const. |
-0.2700 |
Variables |
Δ (ΔTFP) |
Δ (ΔLn(HFI)) |
CointEq1 |
-1.0266 |
0.0036 |
(-7.69962) |
(2.24409) |
Δ (ΔTFP(-1)) |
-0.0101 |
-0.0016 |
(-0.11510) |
(-1.54156) |
Δ (ΔLn(HFI)(-1)) |
-10.6156 |
-0.2502 |
(-1.45900) |
(-2.89451) |
Const. |
-0.0100 |
0.0004 |
(-0.03809) |
(0.13420) |
0.0443 |
-0.0020 |
(0.74049) |
(-2.78867) |
SNP500 |
0.6993 |
0.0249 |
(2.18811) |
(6.54980) |
UM_SENT(-1) |
-0.1173 |
0.0002 |
(-1.98977) |
(0.33076) |
SNP500(-1) |
-0.7693 |
-0.0295 |
(-2.45599) |
(-7.91730) |
R-squared |
0.5895 |
0.5321 |
Adj. R-squared |
0.5629 |
0.5017 |
# of observations: Q3:1994 ~ Q2:2023 |
116 |
116 |
In <
Table 6>, the cointegrating vector (
β) and the adjustment vector (
α) are statistically significant, and represent the long-run equilibrium and short-run adjustment relationship between Δ(
TFP) and Δ
HFI), respectively. In the first equation with a dependent variable Δ(Δ
TFP), the current and lagged stock market index,
SNP500 and
SNP500(-1) are statistically significant although the lagged 2
nd differenced hedge fund index, Δ(Δ
HFI)), is not statistically significant, implying that stock market participants may capture well the future economic conditions in advance, so information from the stock market seems to be useful to expect future productivity. In the second equation with a dependent variable Δ(Δ
HFI)), the current and lagged stock market index,
SNP500 and
SNP500(-1) are also statistically significant, implying that the changes in performance of hedge funds are related to the stock market performance.
Table 7> and <
Figure 5> show the results of the impulse responses and forecast error variance decompositions over the next 10 or 20 quarters in the VECM with a lag order of one. The upper-right panel of <
Figure 5> presents the impulse response of Δ
TFP to a shock of Δ
HFI) where the responses converge to 1.1634 in a year. The magnitude of the impulse responses from 1
st quarter to 2
nd quarter is fairly large, at 1.5236, compared to the magnitudes of 0.8256 and 0.7932 from the SVAR model in <
Table 5>. The lower-left panel of <
Figure 5> shows the impulse response of Δ
HFI) to a shock of Δ
TFP where the responses converge to 0.1034 in a year. The forecast error variance decompositions in <
Table 7> also indicate that approximately 65% of the variation in Δ
TFP is from a shock to Δ
HFI) in the horizon of 20 quarters, whereas approximately 18% of the variation in Δ
HFI) is explained by a shock to the Δ
<Table 7>
VECM Impulse Responses and Variance Decompositions
<Table 7> reports the results of impulse responses and forecast error variance decompositions in the VECM system with a lag order of 1. I impose a Cholesky decomposition for the factorization matrix of the covariance matrix. ΔTFP is ordered first.
Impulse Responses |
Response of ΔTFP |
Response of ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
1 |
2.82994 |
0.00000 |
1 |
0.00642 |
0.03300 |
2 |
0.19263 |
1.52356 |
2 |
0.00908 |
0.01826 |
3 |
0.50876 |
1.13732 |
3 |
0.01154 |
0.02133 |
4 |
0.61222 |
1.15232 |
4 |
0.00996 |
0.02103 |
5 |
0.56475 |
1.16655 |
5 |
0.01040 |
0.02104 |
6 |
0.57146 |
1.16357 |
6 |
0.01033 |
0.02103 |
7 |
0.57207 |
1.16319 |
7 |
0.01034 |
0.02104 |
8 |
0.57171 |
1.16351 |
8 |
0.01034 |
0.02103 |
9 |
0.57172 |
1.16344 |
9 |
0.01034 |
0.02103 |
10 |
0.57174 |
1.16344 |
10 |
0.01034 |
0.02103 |
Variance Decompositions |
Variance Decomposition of ΔTFP |
Variance Decomposition of ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
Period |
ΔLn(HFI) |
1 |
100.000 |
0.000 |
1 |
3.645 |
96.355 |
2 |
77.609 |
22.391 |
2 |
7.998 |
92.002 |
3 |
69.673 |
30.327 |
3 |
12.029 |
87.971 |
4 |
63.716 |
36.284 |
4 |
13.299 |
86.701 |
5 |
58.806 |
41.194 |
5 |
14.383 |
85.617 |
6 |
54.910 |
45.090 |
6 |
15.118 |
84.882 |
7 |
51.719 |
48.281 |
7 |
15.669 |
84.331 |
8 |
49.053 |
50.947 |
8 |
16.095 |
83.905 |
9 |
46.795 |
53.205 |
9 |
16.435 |
83.565 |
10 |
44.856 |
55.144 |
10 |
16.712 |
83.288 |
11 |
43.174 |
56.826 |
11 |
16.943 |
83.057 |
12 |
41.701 |
58.299 |
12 |
17.138 |
82.862 |
13 |
40.401 |
59.599 |
13 |
17.305 |
82.695 |
14 |
39.244 |
60.756 |
14 |
17.449 |
82.551 |
15 |
38.208 |
61.792 |
15 |
17.575 |
82.425 |
16 |
37.275 |
62.725 |
16 |
17.686 |
82.314 |
17 |
36.430 |
63.570 |
17 |
17.785 |
82.215 |
18 |
35.662 |
64.338 |
18 |
17.873 |
82.127 |
19 |
34.961 |
65.039 |
19 |
17.953 |
82.047 |
20 |
34.317 |
65.683 |
20 |
18.025 |
81.975 |
<Figure 5>
VECM Impulse Responses over the Next 5 Quarters (Cholesky Decomposition)
Figure 5> presents the orthogonalized impulse responses over the next 5 quarters in the VECM system with a lag order of 1. To make one underlying shock to be uncorrelated with the other shock, Cholesky decomposition methods of the covariance matrix in error terms were used, and thus the shocks are orthogonalized and instantaneously uncorrelated each other. ΔTFP is ordered first.
In summary, the findings from both SVAR and VECM models indicate that the trading behaviors of hedge funds are more likely to forecast the changes in TFP. In other words, information inferred from informed traders is more valuable for predicting future fundamentals or productivity than that inferred from the behaviors of all informed and uninformed traders. However, its predictive strength in the opposite direction appears to be limited.